Current Podcasts


Memory Card is a gaming history podcast I co-host with my friend PushDustin. Every episode one of us takes on the role of “The Expert” to illuminate a weird and wonderful character, game, console, or accessory. In fact, Memory Card has its own website!

Retired PodcastS


Challenger Approaching was a podcast where I took a deep dive into the history behind a single series featured on the Super Smash Bros. roster. With special guest experts and juicy trivia, it was the ultimate Smash Bros. podcast!


Cereal was a podcast where I ate cereal and then talked about how good it tasted. No ads. No edits. All cereal.

Super Gaming Quiz Alpha Turbo was a podcast produced in 2016 where a co-host and I quizzed fellow gamers about anything and everything video game related. Players were rewarded with the an array of hilariously terrible old video games as their prizes.

Please Note: Due to the large nature of the files embedded below it may take a moment or two for them to play.

Podcast Guest Spots